Welcome to the open City of Gothenburg

The city of Gothenburg is committed to openness and transparency. On this Github-page we will be sharing the results of our efforts mainly concerning open data and open source. Open data will not be shared here (it can be found at goteborg.se/psidata) but we will share experiences from working with open data to make it easier for everyone else to do the same thing or learn from out misstakes.


The goal of this project is to supply the general public and entrepreneurs with data so that it will be used in ways we often never would have thought of, to directly or indirectly create a greater net worth to the general public by suppling public services or generating economic growth that cause more tax revenues and increase citizen satisfaction.


Any questions or suggestions about the work should be addressed to serviceutveckling@kom.goteborg.se.


All text available via this publication is licensed using Creative Commons Zero, which give the consumer of the information and data full rights to modify it and use it for any purpose (even commercial). This is in accordance with the recommendations in the Swedish national guidelines :”För databaser som endast skyddas enligt det särskilda databasskyddet (men som inte fritt får återges enligt 26 a §) rekommenderas i stället licensen CC0.”